Category: Hoy Se Bebe! Today’s Drink



There comes a time in life where you must face reality and just accept the truth. It is what it is. With that being said, here are 15 signs you’re addicted to partying. 1. You wanted to stay home, but you just found out your friends have a comp bottle at the club so you […]


Honores a la bebida cuban: El Mojito!

San Juan, P.R.-El mojito, popular cóctel originario de Cuba –preparado con ron, azúcar, lima, menta o hierbabuena y agua mineral–, siempre da de qué hablar cuando se hace presente. Y si Ernest Hemingway lo volvió popular al beberlo diariamente en La Bodeguita del Medio, en Cuba, por algo fue. Ese será, sin duda, el punto […]


Recetas para disfrutar con tu pareja “Sex on the beach”

Male impotence overnight shipping cialis is very rare that you may hardly see the men suffering from the major problem of erectile dysfunction. Well yes, their effect is generic cialis online buying this quite the same. You can imagine how embarrassing it would be like to change your activity always and annihilate the affecting affliction […]