B. Howard Provides DNA Test to Prove He’s Michael Jackson’s Son .
B. Howard Provides DNA Test to Prove He’s Michael Jackson’s Son
Evidence suggests the 31-year-old singer is MJ’s lovechild.
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According to TMZ, Brandon Howard, a 31-year-old singer who goes by the name “B. Howard,” allegedly contacted the site’s staff and said that he’s taken a DNA test, using an old orthodontic device of MJ’s, and he wants to announce to the public that the deceased pop icon is his father and possibly sue his estate.
Thursday (March 6), however, the staff at FilmOn.TV scooped the story and broke the news via a live streamed press conference, declaring that they’ve seen the evidence and there’s a 99.9 percent chance that it’s true. There’s also the suspicious lyrics to MJ’s “Billie Jean,” they recalled.
Although MJ croons, “the kid is not my son,” apparently, he was in denial. Howard’s mother, Miki Howard, was a pop singer who toured with MJ and was represented by his father, Joe Jackson. Miki reportedly sometimes went by the the nickname “Billy.”