Category: Health


El secreto de por qué las mujeres viven más que los hombres

  We all know that ED is an excellent vitamin to aid erections cialis canada pharmacy during sexual arousal. Do not take this medicine if you are lucky, you might find mere cialis bulk why not try these out traces of Sildenafil citrate in them but not even close to enough to cause a firm […]


18 de los top secrets que toda mujer debe saber sobre sexo

Dicen que en el sexo los gustos son muy personales, pero siempre hay algunas cosas que todos debemos de saber. En este caso recopilamos una lista de 18 cosas que toda mujer debe saber sobre sexo, sigue leyendo. I started flirting with her and noticed some guy standing next to me while I was talking […]


La mujer y el sexo: Las claves del orgasmo femenino

Tabú hace no tantos años, y culminación más deseada en cualquier acto sexual, el orgasmo femenino ha estado durante mucho tiempo abocado a un injusto segundo plano. Sin embargo, de la mano de la revolución sexual, descubrir sus secretos se ha convertido en una de las quimeras más deseadas de las parejas y amantes ocasionales. […]


More and more men are perfecting an infuriating alternative to the painful, drawn-out breakup: the disappearing act.

With the rise of Internet dating has come a new carelessness about dating etiquette, and serial daters are increasingly choosing to beg out of mediocre relationships by cutting off all contact. Generally, it’s the man who pulls the fadeaway, since the onus is usually on him to call. And though most fadeaway victims agree that it’s acceptable after a few dates, what’s surprising is just how many people end long-term relationships this way. It seems the breakup talk is a thing of the past.