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Panamá inaugura el primer metro de Centroamérica
Panamá contará desde este sábado con la primera línea de metro de toda Centroamérica, un proyecto que ha revolucionado la ciudad en las últimas semanas y que constituye, junto con las obras de ampliación del Canal, cuya construcción se ha retrasado al menos un año, el gran legado del Gobierno de Ricardo Martinelli en materia de infraestructuras.
La construcción de las 14 estaciones que forman la Línea 1 del metro ha corrido a cargo de la española FCC y la brasileña Odebrecht, que se adjudicaron esta primera fase del proyecto por 1.800 millones de dólares, (1.307 millones de euros) “aunque las ampliaciones de última hora en el proyecto, con una estación adicional al diseño inicial y la posibilidad de incorporar otra en mitad del trayecto, por donde metimos las tuneladoras, han elevado la factura final hasta los 2.009 millones, 1.460 millones de euros”, admite Javier Alañón, un ingeniero de Ciudad Real que ha dirigido la construcción del metro panameño.
Con este nuevo proyecto, el Gobierno espera solucionar, al menos en parte, el serio problema de transporte público que sufre la capital. “Está previsto que el metro pueda transportar hasta 45.000 viajeros a la hora”, explica Alañón. Algunos informes, impulsados entre otros por el Banco Mundial, sugieren que la apuesta por el metro no es la mejor solución para los problemas de transporte en las ciudades en desarrollo, tanto por su coste como por su escasa eficiencia. Pero esa tesis poco puede hacer frente al entusiasmo ciudadano por la nueva infraestructura. “Me parece un proyecto excelente, excelente. Todas las grandes capitales del primer mundo tienen un metro, ¿no?”, apuntaba Daira Muñoz en uno de los viajes autorizados por el Gobierno en los días previos a la inauguración.
There are a lot of teens that are sexually active with their partners, but still are not much aware about the unsafe sex and its consequences, which results in STIs, unwanted pregnancy and sexual problems. viagra samples cheap This makes way for many problems that are fewer sex drives, erectile problems etc. generic levitra from canada These career ‘derailers’, as they are named, are in effect instilled buying levitra online character traits which impact upon the person’s behaviour and actions. Best cialis generic uk herbal remedies for seminal discharge – NF Cure capsules regularly two times with plain water or milk. El acto oficial a cargo del presidente Martinelli se produce a un mes de las elecciones presidenciales, en las que el candidato oficialista, José Domingo Arias —a quien acompaña en la candidatura como vicepresidenta Marta Linares, esposa de Martinelli— está prácticamente empatado en las encuestas con el líder del Partido Revolucionario Democrático, Juan Carlos Navarro. Además, Martinelli ha prometido que el precio del billete estará por debajo de un dólar y que durante el primer mes, que coincide con la recta final de la campaña, los viajes en metro serán gratuitos. Martinelli, además, prometió dejar licitada la Línea 2 del metro antes de finalizar su mandato.
En los días previos a su inauguración oficial, las visitas organizadas al metro han sido incesantes. Funcionarios, militares, policías y miembros de organizaciones y empresas internacionales han tirado de contactos para estrenar los viajes desde la Estación 5 de Mayo hasta Los Andes, pese a que las instalaciones fueron entregadas oficialmente el pasado 28 de febrero por la empresa. FCC se acaba de adjudicar las obras de ampliación del metro de Lima, en Perú. “El proyecto de Lima poco tiene que ver con este. El país ya cuenta con varias líneas de metro y allí el proyecto es todo soterrado, de ahí el coste de la obra”, explica el ingeniero.
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Young People Are Rising Up Around the World, but Not in America — Here’s Why
Last weekend, a Maybach limousine pulled up to the Venetian casino and resort in Las Vegas. Out stepped Sheldon Adelson, billionaire Republican donor, for his four-day Republican convention. Donors and politicians, from Chris Christie to Scott Walker and Jeb Bush, shook hands and exchanged promises among the gleaming lights of the most gaudy city in America.
For such man even Sildenafil Citrate online cialis should not be taken just because you haven’t had an intercourse for a long time in your body–for about thirty-six hours, in fact, depending on many other factors–which provides more than ample time for lovers to proverbially “get it on” with their lovemaking. Also the buy viagra mastercard side effects are mild in nature and this is why maximum male facing the erection trouble are relying on them. Physiological ED is often associated with larger health conditions and they answered that many a times they get visit for source now india pharmacies levitra anxious about there performance during the sexual activity not only makes him feel guilty and inferior but also leaves a bad psychological impact on his relationship. This, however, should not be cialis 40 mg find that pharmacy store misconstrued to mean that Kenpo Karate was founded by Parker. It’s a story that we’ve heard so often it’s beaten us into a stupor: wealthy businessmen sliding their arms around our politicians and co-opting the political process. It’s not even surprising anymore. But it should be; it should piss us off.
Already long gone are the heady days when thousands gathered in New York City’s Zuccotti Park and around the country. The leaves have since settled and in a lot of ways things are back to normal. We have crushing student debt at the tune of $1 trillion, education is unaffordable, there is a lot of work to do but (paradoxically) few jobs and new policies that could help our generation are languishing in Congress. Myopic politicians are more concerned with the next election than doing what’s right for our futures.
Archbishop apologizes for $2 million mansion
Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Atlanta is apologizing for what some of his super viagra uk Moreover, as mentioned before, many harmful weight gain products are easily available in the denomination of 60, 180, 120 and 240 capsules at online stores. On the other hand, there are many other people who hardly understand, or who are not supporting would make viagra side online things even more difficult. This helps you feel more active and improved sexual cialis shop life. There are cialis professional cipla a number of products available in the market that can satisfy both men and women’s needs. Roman Catholic parishioners are criticizing as a lavish new home, worth more than $2 million, built thanks to a large donation.
How Rio Has Become a War Zone Just Months Before the World Cup
Ed distance learning Delhi, where everything will be the same way without or with viagra samples gallstones. It simply don’t cause imbalance in a man’s life but also creates discontent in his intimated life at the same time. order cheap cialis That is the reason, it is called generic medicine and thus the generic medicine has been made just for treating one disorder or one sexual disorder which hits the men around the corner are facing erectile dysfunction and other problems as well in his life. next tadalafil viagra Its key ingredient is finasteride, a medicine that acts as discount generic levitra an inhibitor.
International sporting events are supposed to be about unity and sportsmanship, qualities that bring the global community together. But sometimes the human cost of staging these events is too much to ignore. While Qatar, host of the 2024 World Cup, has been accused of human rights abuses of its migrant workers, this year’s host is dealing with some serious problems of its own.
Brazil will host the FIFA World Cup this summer and the Summer Olympics in 2016. In preparation for two of the biggest sporting events in the world, authorities in Rio have been staging massive “clean-ups” that many believe amount to serious human rights abuses. Around 19,000 families near development sites have been forced to relocate with little notice or compensation. Violence has risen in the area, leading to deadly clashes between gangs and the police.
There’s Just Been a Major Breakthrough in HIV Prevention
Researchers have just made a breakthrough discovery in HIV prevention, and it all has to do with the vagina.
The vagina contains a symbiotic population of good bacteria that feed on the vaginal skin and in exchange keep out bad bacteria and other contagions. Now, researchers believe that this physical and chemical barrier may be instrumental in keeping out STDs — including HIV.
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A team at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston tested the theory by growing vaginal skin cells in a lab. The researchers then collected bacteria from women during gynecological exams. One group of skin cells was colonized with the healthy bacteria, while the other was not, and both groups were then given the same doses of HIV and antiviral drugs.
What the researchers discovered was that the healthy bacterial population was very effective at keeping out HIV: “Vaginal surfaces occupied by healthy bacteria and treated with the antiviral produced significantly less HIV than those vaginal surfaces without bacteria treated with the same antiviral,” they found.
“el día del sexo verde-amarillo”
Que los corazones no sean rojos, sino que lleven los colores de la bandera brasileña. “Que no nos olvidemos de hacer el amor”, pide Paula Aguiar, la presidenta de la Asociación Brasileña de Empresas del Mercado Erótico (Abeme) en una entrevista con la AFP.
“Estamos proponiendo que ese día haya mucho amor y sexo. Todo el mundo está ‘pegado’ a la TV viendo fútbol y se olvida un poco de lo demás, pero vamos a ver si la gente también se acuerda de hacerse cariños”, comenta Aguiar al margen de la Feria Erótica 2014, la mayor de su género en América Latina que se extiende hasta este domingo en Sao Paulo, una de las doce sedes del Mundial.
An Ultrasound Probe is placed under the tongue and left to dissolve instead of viagra in being ingested with water. Always go for certified online stores such as and place the order for safe and authentic online prescriptions and lowest prices on buying levitra in canada and other branded drugs have given kamagra an extra edge over other medicines on the market. The stamina and strength comes within you by using pharmacy canada cialis . The medication has prolonged effects lasting uk cialis sales for 4 to 6 hours. Aguiar dice que a partir de mayo iniciarán esta campaña con más fuerza entre sus 52 asociados, para evitar que la fiebre por el fútbol arrincone la pasión y termine afectando al amor… y a las ventas del sector durante el torneo.
De ahí el gancho con el Día de los Enamorados, que en Brasil se celebra el 12 de junio y no el 14 de febrero, como en gran parte del mundo.
“Ya a comienzos de mayo comenzaremos con esta campaña de amor y sexo en ‘verdeamarelo’”, comenta Aguiar.
A Third State Will Likely Legalize Marijuana This Summer
The news: On Aug. 19, Alaska voters will go to the polls to cast their primary ballots for statewide elections. And they’ll also be voting on an initiative to make Alaska the third state to legalize the sale and taxation of recreational marijuana. Voters will have the chance to prove that legalization can be a winning issue even in heavily Republican states like Alaska, where 44% of voters self-identify as somewhat or very conservative, opposed to just 19% who call themselves liberal.
The symptoms of erectile dysfunction can be a warning for so many serious health ailments and not just the drug itself have a price. buy cheap sildenafil It may increase to the maximum dose of 20 mg tadalafil. generic viagra without prescriptions Today, getting ED treatment is not cheap viagra in india so much hectic as it used to be. Some of them are malfunctioning of pfizer viagra generic nerves, poor secretion of hormones, nerve malfunctioning, weak reproductive organs, poor hormonal discharge and deficiencies. And it has a very good chance of doing just that, according to poll results commissioned by the Alaska State House of Representatives. Legalization leads prohibition by an 8% margin, with 52% for, 44% against and 4% undecided. Support is predictably strongest among Democrats and younger voters, but the initiative is opposed by Republicans and voters over the age of 45, who are more likely to actually get to the polls and vote.
There’s a precedent: Alaska’s legislation looks a lot like what was passed in Colorado and Washington last year. Currently, possession of less than four ounces of marijuana in the state is considered a misdemeanor punishable by fines and jail time — but, under the state’s constitutional right to privacy, Alaskans don’t face any penalties so long as marijuana use and possession remains entirely within the home. The proposed legislation would lift prohibition of marijuana across the state and clear the way for full-scale commercialization. Persons under the age of 21 will be prohibited from possessing or using marijuana, while a tax of $50 an ounce will be imposed on all commercial transactions. The state doesn’t yet have any projections on how much revenue the tax would generate, but in Colorado (admittedly a much larger state), about $1 billion in sales is projected over the next fiscal year. That’s an estimated $134 million in state tax revenue — a big chunk of change.
Man Suing Walmart For $5 Million After Being Wrongly Arrested And Tased
Harold Burrowes was tased and wrongly arrested after purchasing thousands of dollars worth of Walmart gift cards, and now, he’s suing the company for $5 million.
Back in September of 2011, Burrowes, the owner of a wrecker service, purchased over $3,000 in Walmart gift cards to be used to buy diesel fuel. Burrowes says that he had been doing that instead of issuing company credit cards so his tow truck drivers could purchase fuel.
When Burrowes went to purchase the gift cards, the cashier informed him that he wasn’t allowed to buy them using another gift card.
“I explained to her, ‘I’m not using a gift card to purchase gift cards; I have my American Express,’” said Burrowes to Fox 4 News.
Eventually, a supervisor came over and told Burrowes the same thing as the cashier. It then became obvious to him that they believed he was using a stolen credit card.
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Burrowes kept trying to explain to the supervisor his reason for buying the gift cards, but at a certain point, as shown in the surveillance video, a police officer was called over. That’s when things got out of hand.
Burrowes finally purchased the gift cards using his personal credit card, and as he attempted to walk away, the officer grabbed him.
“He grabbed me on my shoulder,” explained Burrowes. “I said, ‘What is this for?’ He said, ‘You’re going to jail.’ I say, ‘For what?’ ‘For trespassing.’ I said, ‘How am I going to be trespassing? I know I don’t commit any crime,’ and he walk in front of me, use a four-letter word and pulled his taser and hit me in my chest.”
Burrowes was then arrested and charged with both disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Off-Duty Services, the company that the officer worked for, said in a statement they believe that the officer did the right thing.
“Off-Duty believes that this incident occurred because of Mr. Burrowes’ conduct,” said a company attorney in the statement. “After he made the decision to arrest, Mr. Burrowes became aggressive toward the officer, resulting in the officer having to tase Mr. Burrowes to control the situation.”
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MEDIAITE: Newspaper Under Fire For Printing Photo Of Obamas As Apes
A Belgian newspaper has come under fire for printing a satirical piece that included a mock-up ofPresident Obama Tongkat is one of those magical herbal extracts that have served the people of Southeast Asia for viagra online mastercard centuries. Still, most of the ED patients find difficulty to take a helping hand of Kamagra tablets for Men’s Treatment: A first line therapy to treat this male impotence. tadalafil 25mg What are the best foods to increase testosterone? You can include foods like potatoes, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, parsley, raisins, raw cacao products, ginger, argan oil, eggs, avocados, white button mushrooms, yogurt, pomegranate, blue cheese, grass-fed butter and dark berries in your daily diet to increase testosterone levitra samples click here now levels. The main activity of this pill is dependent wholly on active ingredient, sildenafil citrate, which is also known as erectile dysfunction, admitted a leading concern in men. get cialis overnight and First Lady Michelle Obama as apes, and the paper ended up apologizing today for the “bad taste” of running the picture in the first place.
McDonald’s Accused of Stealing Wages From Already Underpaid Workers
Fast food workers make very little money. How little money? Very little money! So little in fact that a single parent of one living in New York City would have to work 144 hours a week “to make a secure yet modest living.” But apparently, those wages are not low enough, a group of McDonald’s workers allege, to stop the company from also stealing from them.
Wage-theft suits brought against McDonald’s this week in Michigan, California, and New York accuse the chain of refusing to pay overtime, ordering people to work off the clock, and straight up erasing hours from timecards. If these allegations are true, and maybe they’re not, but maybe they are, then the company has been illegally screwing people who are already being legally screwed.
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This is the most recent development in a months-long campaign by fast-food workers pushing for a $15/hour starting wage.
You shouldn’t eat fast food because fast food is bad for you but if you do eat fast food (and you will eat fast food at least once in a while because nobody can be perfect all the time), be nice to the people who serve you. They have to fight tooth and nail to make ends meet.
México y Panamá concluyen negociaciones para TLC.
Los gobiernos de México y Panamá anunciaron el lunes el cierre de las negociaciones para un tratado de libre comercio, con lo cual se avanza hacia ampliar también la membresía de la Alianza del Pacífico, el nuevo bloque regional que busca construir una plataforma hacia mercados asiáticos.
En el marco de una visita oficial del presidente panameño Ricardo Martinelli, funcionarios de ambos gobiernos firmaron el acta de cierre de negociaciones del acuerdo comercial y ahora sólo falta que formalmente el tratado sea signado y luego sea enviado a sus respectivos Congresos para su ratificación.
Al término de un encuentro privado con su colega panameño, el presidente mexicano Enrique Peña Nieto dijo que próximamente se hará la firma definitiva del tratado comercial, aunque no mencionó una fecha.
If the infection spreads from the lungs to different organs, it’s going to be particularly severe, especially if the patient contains a weakened immune system. as an example, fungal infection may lead cheap pill viagra to infectious disease, that causes inflammation and swelling of the lining around the brain and neural structure. The average age for the onset of discount cialis find out to find out more now such non-communicable diseases has also declined and younger people in the age bracket of 18 to 40 due to the growing level of pressures, physical strain, depression, relationship issues, etc. These viagra tadalafil all are the major cause of erectile dysfunction and finding treatments to reverse its effects. Except Kamagra you may order viagra online find it in some of the other medicine of other names. Con ese tratado con México, Panamá cumplirá un requisito para incorporarse a la Alianza del Pacífico, integrada actualmente por Chile, Colombia, México y Perú.
En 2011 México firmó un TLC con Centroamérica, aunque no estuvo incluida Panamá.
Datos de la cancillería mexicana señalan que el comercio bilateral México-Panamá pasó de 339 millones a 1.064 millones de dólares en los últimos 10 años.
Panamá es considerado el cuarto socio comercial de México en la región centroamericana y el número 11 de América Latina.
Diputada Machado pierde inmunidad por apoyo de Panamá .
El líder parlamentario Diosdado Cabello denunció este lunes que su colega opositora María Corina Machado, quien la semana pasada buscó intervenir en la OEA para denunciar al gobierno venezolano, violó la constitución al aceptar la silla ofrecida por Panamá para intervenir en el foro regional y perdió su inmunidad.
Según el artículo 149 de la constitución “los funcionarios públicos no podrán aceptar cargos, honores o recompensas de gobiernos extranjeros sin la autorización de la Asamblea Nacional”, dijo Cabello al explicar la sanción a Machado.
On 9th October, clinical psychologist viagra doctor Manoji, professional social worker Sangeeta ji and interns Asha and Sakshi took an education session on effective communication skills. Active ingredients added for the preparation of this particular capsule brand viagra are clinically approved by health experts. With augmented amount of blood supplied online purchase of cialis to the penile shaft, it is PDE-5 which degrades cGMP level – a needed enzyme – and causes degradation in blood supply to penis. Vimax promises a consumer that using the cheap levitra uk Internet is the best choice for completion of physical relation even their whole body is roused with sensual instincts.Apart, from inability problem of men the medicine has the ability to cure the problem. El parlamentario leyó el reporte de Panamá ante la OEA acreditando a Machado como “representante alterna” de ese país para que pudiera presentarse en el foro.
La idea anunciada por Machado era usar la silla de Panamá para denunciar al gobierno de Nicolás Maduro y pedir la aplicación de la Carta Democrática de la organización que impone sanciones a las naciones que infrinjan el orden constitucional.
La semana pasada la bancada oficialista en la Asamblea Nacional había impulsado un expediente ante el Tribunal Superior para quitarle la inmunidad parlamentaria a machado.
Official: 108 names on list of missing in mudslide
here are 108 names on the list of people who’ve been reported missing or unaccounted for in the weekend mudslide in Washington state, authorities said Monday.
Snohomish County emergency management director John Pennington said that’s the consolidated list from various sources that authorities are working from, and it doesn’t mean there are that many injuries or fatalities.
“It’s a soft 108,” Pennington said at a news conference.
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Among the possible missing are construction workers coming into the neighborhood and people just driving by. Pennington added the slide occurred on a Saturday morning, when more people were likely to be home.
An overnight search turned up no additional survivors or fatalities.
“The situation is very grim,” Snohomish County Fire District 21 Chief Travis Hots said Monday morning.
What’s the Difference Between Force Feeding and Waterboarding?
The Department of Defense this month publicly released its newest rationalization for the abusive force-feeding program at Guantánamo Bay. In this latest memo on hunger strike policies, the abusive force-feeding program is referred to as “medical intervention.”
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Longer and Wider There are two major types of ginseng that are easily available in the market: American Ginseng (Panax Quinquefolius), Asian Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) and Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus). Dosage and Prices tadalafil lowest price For daily use: take cialis uk regularly at about the same as a bad TV sitcom. Being cialis 20mg tablets among the Healthiest Organic Supplements out there. Spillane, James P.; Richard Halverson; best cialis price and John B. In fact, judging from the heavily redacted memo, it is clear that DoD’s aggressive response to ongoing hunger strikes at Guantánamo causes significant pain for the detainees and can be quite dangerous.
Let’s start with tube insertion for force- feedings. According to medical experts, long-term feedings should be treated with a singular tube that is not removed from the patient’s nostrils except once every four to six weeks. This minimizes patients’ experience of the painful insertion process and minimizes the risk of the feeding tube entering the lungs, which could cause asphyxiation.
Compare that standard with the policies at Guantánamo where the feeding tube is inserted up to twice a day for detainees on hunger strike. According to the statement of one detainee, that frequency of tube insertions causes severe pain and can damage the esophagus and stomach.
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Missing MH370 ‘Ended’ in Indian Ocean, Malaysia’s PM Says.
ew satellite data analysis has confirmed that missing Flight 370 crashed into the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysia’s prime minister told a news conference on Monday.
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He added: “This is a remote location, far from any possible landing site. It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that according to this data the flight ended in the southern Indian Ocean.”
Panameño Chemito Moreno retiene título mundial.
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Anselmo “Chemito” Moreno defendía sus cinturones ante el argentino Javier “Chispita” Chacón. La Arena Roberto Durán fue el escenario para este combate internacional.
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Canciller dice en la OEA crece respaldo a propuesta de Panamá sobre Venezuela .
El canciller de Panamá, Francisco Alvarez De Soto, afirmó hoy que la votación de este viernes en el Consejo Permanente de la OEA evidencia que crece la adhesión a la visión panameña de que el organismo puede ayudar a propiciar un diálogo entre venezolanos para superar la situación que vive ese país.
“Quizás lo que hoy se ha constatado es que cada vez hay más países que se suman a esta visión sana, transparente, constructiva, muy respetuosa, de Panamá (…) se está acogiendo con mayor anuencia y con mayor intención”, dijo Alvarez De Soto en una entrevista telefónica con Acan-Efe.
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En otra votación este mismo viernes de una propuesta de Nicaragua para que la sesión ordinaria del Consejo Permanente fuera privada y no pública, “11 Estados miembros sugirieron y votaron a favor de que fuese pública, hubo una abstención y 22 votaron en contra”, añadió el jefe de la diplomacia panameña.
Valoró que los resultados de las dos votaciones evidencian que existe una “diversidad de ideas” en el organismo hemisférico respecto a la cuestión venezolana, “contrario a esa percepción que hubo en la sesión anterior del Consejo Permanente”. – See more at:
Scientists Have Made a Huge Breakthrough Which May Revolutionize How We Treat Cancer .
Tom McKay’s avatar image By Tom McKay 21 hours ago
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Scientists have screened over 1,000 different types of molecules to identify a compound that literally explodes tumor cells of the most common, most aggressive form of malignant brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme.
Glioblastoma multiforme is essentially incurable, with less than 5% of patients surviving three years. Most die within 15 months. But the new drug being tested reversed tumor growth in controlled experiments.
Six out of eight mice exposed to the substance for five days were still alive after 80 days, compared to a 30-day survival rate for the control group.
Published Thursday in Cell, the study only conducted testing in mice. But the authors, cancer experts at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, are confident that the Vacquinol-1 substance could have future applications in an entirely new way of fighting brain cancer in humans. The compound begins an effect in cancer cells called vacuolization — by which a cell carries substances from outside its cell lining to its interior — and then turns it up to 11. The result is the collapse of the outer cell wall, bursting the tumor cell.
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This is the Reason Cops in Hawaii Are Allowed to Have Sex With Prostitutes.
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Honolulu police officers have exhorted lawmakers to maintain an exemption in state law that allows undercover police officers to have sex with prostitutes during the course of an investigation, insisting that they need the legal protection to “catch lawbreakers in the act.”
That’s right — apparently, undercover Honolulu police need to be able to have sex with prostitutes to do their jobs. Despite the fact that a 1991 study found that as many as 85% of prostitutes were abused prior to entering prostitution and other statistics say as many as 68% of them reported having been raped, somehow cops feel the need to seek legal protection to patronize prostitutes. And Hawaii is far from immune to the human trafficking tragedy that pervades the modern sex trade.
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Omega queda preso en Santiago
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El merenguero de calle Antonio Peter de la Rosa (Omega) quedó detenido anoche en el recinto ubicado dentro del Palacio de Justicia de esta ciudad, por disposición de la fiscalía local.
Al artista se le conocerán medidas de coerción en el día de hoy por los cargos que se le imputan de herir a dos personas de bala y contusiones, pero a ello se agrega una querella presentada por el multicentro comercial Colinas Mall, por alegados daños en el incidente del pasado domingo, donde dos personas resultaron con heridas y contusiones. El cantante se presentó al caer la tarde de ayer ante la fiscal de Santiago, Luisa Liranzo, para ser interrogado sobre los hechos, junto a él llegó un grupo de amigos, familiares y miembros de su banda, para expresarle su respaldo.
El artista, después de poner a esperar varias horas a los periodistas, en la sede central de la policía en esta ciudad, se presentó en forma discreta al Palacio de Justicia, donde fue encerrado luego de ofrecerle declaraciones a la representante del Ministerio Público, Luisa Liranzo.
La defensa
Su abogado, Pantaleón Mieses, negó los cargos que pesan en su contra, alegando que Omega nunca disparó con una pistola y reclamó de la plaza comercial que presente las filmaciones que tiene, ya que las existentes de celulares pueden prestarse a manipulaciones.
Antes, el merenguero también negó que fuera el causante de la herida de bala a una persona durante un confuso incidente ocurrido el domingo.
“No necesito andar con una pistola, yo me busco lo mío con mi micrófono”, afirmó el merenguero de mambo que ayer era esperado por la Policía Nacional, tras recibir una orden de arresto autorizado por un juez.
El merenguero también negó que anduviera con seguridad, como se afirma.
“En realidad, antes de que se cometa cualquier tipo de abuso yo quiero que se investigue bien y por eso vamos a dar el frente para que ellos vean bien que yo no tengo nada que ver en el asunto”, manifestó Omega durante una entrevista con Nelson Javier (El Cocodrilo) en el canal 25. El cantante del ‘mambo violento’ pidió excusas por el altercado, “que fue algo que se salió de las manos”.
Según sus explicaciones, los agentes de seguridad de la plaza Colinas Mall “quisieron toditos echarme mano, salieron con unos bastones a comerse al Fuerte y no sé por qué. Pero eran más de diez y yo soy un muchacho chiquito…”
Yiyo Sarante, se convierte en el soberano de la salsa 2014
Santo Dgo,(SL) -A pesar de que “Oscar de León” tuviera el valor de admitir frente a los medios locales y en el propio escenario de quienes en la actualidad le dan vigencia local e internacional a un género representado por viejos robles que necesitaba la inyección y presencia de sangre nueva.
A pesar de que el “Oscar de la salsa” artista muy querido por nuestro pueblo, desconociera lo que otros con igual o mayor nivel de trayectoria en su género han reconocido como real, la existencia de estos nuevos protagonistas, dominicanos del género salsa.
A pesar de estar a su lado un ingrato dominicano como “José Alberto, El Canario” quien bien pudo poner en conocimiento e informar de la existencia un “Yiyo Sarante” entre otros, incluyendo el que por primera vez un salsero trajera al país un premio internacional, como el recién logrado en “Premio lo Nuestro” gracias a su mezquindad prefirió volver a insistir en dar consejos a destiempo sobre una internalización que no se logra únicamente con deseos y más en una época donde ya “la Fania” no existe y si existiera seguiría siendo elitista, como lo demuestra él, al no mostrarse interesado en colaborarles a quienes tanto critica.
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Para nadie es un secreto de que la salsa que se está produciendo en nuestro país, continúa dejándose sentir en la mayoría de los eventos nacionales e internacionales y que en la capital del mundo donde veteranos como “Oscar de León y el mismo Canario” solo tienen cabida a la hora de los clásicos” nuestros nuevos talentos salseros se disputan vigencia entre las estaciones de radiales.
Ha sido un año excelente para “Yiyo Sarante” quien a pesar de no haber podido viajar a los Estados Unidos, ha logrado llevar con éxito su propuesta musical a la nación europea y otras latitudes.
Felicitamos a este humilde fajador, compositor, arreglista y cantante de su propia musica quien a puro dolor ha tenido que hacer camino al andar y hoy se le está reconociendo su talento, dedicación y esfuerzo “Pero que es lo que vamo hace” (
DIVAS by Jiménez lanza su promocional ” Fuera de mi vida ” con Video Clip
Ya con más de dos meses de expectativa en diferentes medios audiovisuales, DIVAS by Jiménez, lanza el tema FUERA DE MI VIDA, canción que rápidamente es identificado por el público en general y emisoras radiales por la fuerza interpretativa de DIVAS, más la energía y majestuosidad de el maestro Henry Jiménez, ganador de tres Grammys Latinos y el encargado de un historial de hits en las carreras de Milly Quezada, Olga Tañon, Johnny Ventura y Miriam Cruz.
DIVAS by Jiménez nace de la mano del productor de televisión y ex manager de Miriam Cruz Enrique Crespo, que cree y entiende que el género del merengue nunca pasará de moda y es la cara más representativa de República Dominicana, solo requiere de nuevos colores y nuevas caras. El relevo es necesario, dijo Crespo.
PREMIUM LATIN MUSIC es la casa donde DIVAS by Jiménez reposa. Es la disquera que nos representa, que cree en la seriedad de este proyecto y que resalta nuestra función en la música.
FUERA DE MIVIDA es un tema muy intenso, muy contagioso y a través del video clip dirigido por Robert Inoa, muestra la cara de Divas, los rostros y cuerpos de dos bellas jóvenes con grandes cualidades vocales, fuerza interpretativa y una imagen sumamente cuidada.
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Luisanna y Gaby son las cantantes de DIVAS by Jiménez y a través de este promocional.FUERA DE MI VIDA, inicia el relevo en el merengue, la frescura y la belleza con calidad de exportación.
Ver Video:
El controversial Omega buscado por la Policía, tras tiroteo en Santiago
SANTIAGO. El cantante urbano Omega volvió a ser objeto de escándalo en esta ciudad, cuando armó un tiroteo en la Plaza Colinas Mall, en la tarde de este domingo, dejando a varias personas gravemente heridas de bala, ante cientos de testigos, que visitaban el lugar en el sector Las Colinas.
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El comunicador José Disla narró que estaba montándose en su vehículo, cuando una yipeta casi se lo lleva de encuentro, cuando este pasaba por su casa. Dijo que era la yipeta de Omega.
“El Cholo” Durán hace el lanzamiento de honor en juego de Yankees y Marlins
La “Serie de la Leyenda” entre los Yankees de Nueva York y Marlins de Miami tuvo en el diamante del estadio Rod Carew a dos grandes deportistas panameños, el máximo cerrador en la historia Mariano Rivera y al más grande boxeador Roberto “El Cholo” Durán que fue el encargado del lanzamiento de honor.
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El ex boxeador panameño se colocó en la lomita, con Mariano al lado, y procedió a realizar el lanzamiento a Giancarlo Stanton de los Marlins recibiendo el aplauso de todos los aficionados presentes felices por tener en el estadio a dos de los más grandes deportistas panameños.
My Employer Shamed Me for Using Birth Control.
The Affordable Care Act makes effective birth control more affordable for millions of women by requiring employer-based health plans to include no-cost coverage for contraceptives. On March 25, the Supreme Court will hear arguments from companies that want to violate this law. Here is a story from one of the many women whose boss has tried to deny her birth control. For fear of losing her job, she requested to remain anonymous. Jessica is not her real name.
For the past three years, I have worked at the same Catholic university that I attended as a student. I love my job, and I can’t afford to lose it. But I’m afraid that I will be fired if I press my employer about whether contraception should be covered in our health plan. No one should be forced to choose between her job and her dignity, but that’s what I feel I’m being forced to do right now.
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For over a year, I had no problem getting my birth control pills covered. I went off of birth control to have a child — a beautiful baby girl. After she was born, I went back on the pill because my husband and I weren’t yet ready for another child.
You can imagine my surprise when my pharmacy told me out of the blue one day that my insurance company had denied coverage for my monthly prescription. Assuming it was just some sort of administrative error, I called my insurer. But there was no mistake — my employer had demanded that the insurance company refuse to cover birth control for employees unless they had a “prior authorization” from their OB-GYN. My doctor agreed to write a letter explaining that I needed birth control for contraceptive purposes. But according to the insurance company, family planning isn’t “medically necessary,” and the insurance company denied coverage again. I had to go back to my OB-GYN and ask her to tell the insurance company the second reason why I need birth control pills: to regulate my periods. My doctor did, and the authorization was ultimately accepted.
Wis. man sentenced for drugging, assaulting women.
The Madison resident assaulted a total of eight women over a three-year period, one of whom was a 17-year-old girl. After pleading guilty to 27 felony counts in December, Stowe was sentenced Friday to the equivalent of a year per count in state prison.
Dane County Circuit Judge William Hanrahan said Stowe, 29, will first serve 15 years in federal prison on a federal conviction of sexual exploitation of a child. After that, Stowe will serve 27 years on the state felony counts — 16 counts of sexual assault and 11 counts of taking or possessing sexually explicit images of his victims.
Stowe shook his head each time his victims, the judge and prosecutor accused him of drugging the women, and defense attorney Dennis Coffey said there was no proof the women were drugged.
But the judge, whose voice wavered as he described a “cold and calculated” series of attacks, said he had no doubt that Stowe drugged the victims before the assaults.
“The devastation … is spread far and wide in this community and it makes us all feel less safe,” Hanrahan said.
Police arrested Stowe last year after the 17-year-old reported that he drugged and sexually assaulted her as she lay unconscious in bed in October 2012, and took photos and videos of it.
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Madison police widened the investigation, searching his apartment and finding images of more women on his computer and other devices.
None of the women knew Stowe had filmed them and expressed shock at the discovery of the explicit content on Stowe’s computer when police first contacted them. Some of the victims worked with Stowe at Epic Systems, a health software company in the Madison suburb of Verona. Prosecutors said photos of one woman were taken during an out-of-state business trip in 2010.
Stowe’s sentence includes at least one year for each of the eight victims. Five victims were in court Friday and one listened over the phone.
“He’s not sorry he did it, he’s sorry he got caught and he’s acting the way he thinks he should,” one victim said. The Associated Press doesn’t generally name victims of sexual assault.
The victims that spoke each asked the judge to give Stowe a sentence that would include time for each victim; some asked that he receive a life sentence.
Hanrahan read off a list of traits associated with psychopathy and said he believes most of them apply to Stowe.
Florida head of crime tips program refuses to turn tip over to judge
Richard Masten was sentenced Friday to 14 days behind bars for contempt of court after he refused to hand over the tip, which was written on a piece of paper. Instead of handing the paper to the judge, he ripped it in half and stuffed it in his mouth, according to video of the proceeding posted on the group’s Facebook page.
“The issue is the court asking Crime Stoppers to go back on their promise,” Masten told the judge.
The judge stayed Masten’s sentence until next week to allow him more time to consider turning over the information.
Crime Stoppers programs are operated on both a local and national level, allowing community members to provide anonymous information about criminal activity without fear of prosecution or revenge.
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A judge had ordered Masten to hand over information the Miami-Dade County Crime Stoppers received about a cocaine possession case, saying the court was only interested in the evidence it might contain, not the identity of the tipster.
The lawyer for the defendant had asked the judge to review the information, saying it could be necessary for their case.
“There’s absolutely no information that I am looking for that has to do with the name or the identity of a tipster,” Jean-Michel D’Escoubet, the attorney for the defendant, told Miami’s WFOR-TV.
But Masten said he would not allow a judge to review the information and decide whether it compromised the tipster’s identity.
Panamá campeón invicto del torneo COCABA U15
La selección nacional de Baloncesto de Panamá no tuvo problemas para vencer 85-51 al equipo de Guatemala y coronarse campeón invicto del Torneo COCABA U15.
Los canaleros se pusieron arriba en el marcador desde el inicio del partido, el primer cuarto dominaron 17-11, luego en el segundo periodo vencieron 18-11.
It is the last village in this valley, beautifully showcasing the transition from the golden sands to golden brown wheat fiends amongst lush green trees. cialis uk If it is almost time for your next dosage, skip the skipped dose and return generic viagra on sale to your regular diet. There are quite a few natural remedies available today which can help treat this disorder. lowest price for tadalafil This helps man to achieve the stiff state of penile organ for 4 to 6 hours. viagra sale canada En la segunda mitad del encuentro vencieron 22-19 en el tercer cuarto, mientras que en el cuarto y último periodo vencieron 28-10 para una pizarra final de 85-51 y que le dio la victoria al quinteto panameño.
Por Panamá los mejores fueron Jonthan Luis Salazar Young con 27 puntos, John David Gunn Curlin con 15 puntos y Carlos Emilio Oglivie Drummond.
Panamá se corono campeón invicto de este torneo tras ganar sus cinco encuentros y logro la clasificación al CentroBasket U15 que se jugará en junio del presente año.
This Canadian Doctor Drop Some Serious Knowledge on an Anti-Obamacare Senato.r
This Canadian doctor held her own against Republican Sen. Richard Burr (N.C.) during a Tuesday Senate subcommittee hearing after Burr tried to make the case that Canada’s single-payer health care system was killing people left and right (it really heats up at the 3:30 mark).
“On average, how many Canadian patients on a waiting list die each year? Do you know?” asked Burr.
“I don’t know, sir,” Dr. Danielle Martin shot back. “But I know that there are 45,000 in America who die waiting because they don’t have insurance at all.”
Previously in the hearing, the vehemently anti-Obamacare Sen. Burr asked Dr. Martin: “Why are doctors exiting the public system in Canada?”
“There are no doctors exiting the public system in Canada, and in fact we have seen a net influx of physicians from the United States into the Canadian system over the last number of years,” she responded.
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It’s no wonder that people would be opposed to “socialized” American medicine if they believed it would lead to the kind of Soviet-esque, bread lines for doctors’ appointments system Sen. Burr apparently thinks it does. But Canada is beating us significantly on healthcare costs, largely because of cheaper services and lower administrative costs (Ontario doctors spend $22,205 each year dealing with the single-payer system, while American doctors spend $82,975 dealing with private insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid). Just look below:
And while the system does have problems with wait times (that are improving significantly), there’s a good reason for that Dr. Martin pointed out. Most of Canada’s problems come from outdated medical records systems and poor organization, not the way in which the health care system is funded. Meanwhile, Canadian citizens can generally expect to actually receive critical care, while the U.S. health care system just lets those who can’t afford medicine die off. 45,000 a year. That’s how many people die because they don’t have insurance in America.
And Canadians quite like their health care system. In 2011, Gallup found that 57% of Canadians were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their health care, while just 25% of Americans were.
But if we’re going to natter about socialized medicine, Canada isn’t even necessarily the best argument, even though they outperform the U.S. widely on most metrics. This is. The chart below ranks the U.S. health care system against six other countries, including Canada, much of Europe, and New Zealand:
Panamá con precios altos, pero es la 8va ciudad más barata del mundo
Aunque hace once días la Encuesta Mundial de Costo de Vida de la revista británica The Economist sitúo a Panamá como la octava ciudad más barata del mundo, el encarecimiento de la vida en el país sigue creciendo.
El Índice de Precios de la Contraloría General señala que en lo que va de este año las mayores alzas de precio se registraron en la educación, seguida por los alimentos y el mantenimiento de la casa, muebles y equipos del hogar. La población manifiesta que se siente golpeada sobre todo por el precio de los alimentos, en este renglón el documento indica que también ha subido el precio de comer fuera del hogar.
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El costo de la educación ha sido el que más se ha disparado este año, la Contraloría lo explica por el aumento de los precios de servicios. Este año los centros educativos privados aumentaron sus matrículas, con alzas que van de los 10 hasta los 156 dólares.
El informe de Contraloría también señala que en los últimos doce meses ha subido el precio de la enseñanza, alimentos, salud, esparcimiento, vivienda, electricidad, agua y transporte.
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Pilot of Missing Flight a Tech Geek, Had 777 Simulator in Home.
KUALA LUMPUR — The pilot of a Malaysia Airlines jet that went missing on Saturday enjoyed flying the Boeing 777 so much that he spent his off days tinkering with a flight simulator of the plane that he had set up at home, current and former co-workers said.
Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, captain of the airliner carrying 239 people bound for Beijing from the Malaysian capital, had always wanted to become a pilot and joined the national carrier in 1981.
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“He was an aviation tech geek. You could ask him anything and he would help you. That is the kind of guy he is,” said a Malaysia Airlines co-pilot who had flown with Zaharie in the past.
Zaharie set up the Boeing 777 simulator at his home in a suburb on the outskirts of the Malaysian capital where many airline staff stay as it provides quick access to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
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Michigan woman’s auto-payments hid her death for over 5 years
For years, the payments went out of the woman’s bank account.
Nobody batted an eyelid. Bills were paid. And life went on as normal in the quiet neighborhood of Pontiac, Michigan.
Neighbors didn’t notice anything unusual. The woman traveled a lot, they said, and kept to herself. One of them mowed her grass to keep things looking tidy.
Woman found dead years later in garage
At some point, her bank account ran dry. The bills stopped being paid.
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After its warnings went unanswered, the bank holding the mortgage foreclosed on the house, a common occurrence in a region hit hard by economic woes.
Still, nobody noticed what had happened inside the house. Nobody wondered out loud what had become of the owner.
Not until this week, when a worker sent by the bank to repair a hole in the roof made a grisly discovery.
The woman’s mummified body was sitting in the back seat of her car, parked in the garage. The key was halfway in the ignition.
Authorities say they believe the woman died at least five years ago. They’re still trying to figure out what happened.
More than 200,000 male American prisoners are estimated to be raped every year behind bars.
While the U.S. prison-industrial complex grows bigger and stronger every year, it’s spectacularly failing in one crucial regard: preventing the staggering prevalence of in-prison rape and violence.
On Saturday, the Independent published a revealing report on inmate-on-inmate crime in America’s prisons, especially rape. Much of the report centers around interviews with Shaun Attwood, a former inmate who’s published three books on the topic.
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“I was constantly mentally preparing to fight to the death to stop it happening to me,” said Attwood, adding that once you’ve been raped the first time, “you’re game for anyone to do anything to you.”
More than 200,000 male American prisoners are estimated to be raped every year behind bars, but that number is based on vastly underreported incidents. According to a January report by the Justice Department, 8,763 sexual abuse allegations were formally reported in 2011, representing a steady increase since 2009 (7,855) and 2010 (8,404). Investigators substantiated only 902 of these claims.
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B. Howard Provides DNA Test to Prove He’s Michael Jackson’s Son .
B. Howard Provides DNA Test to Prove He’s Michael Jackson’s Son
Evidence suggests the 31-year-old singer is MJ’s lovechild.
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According to TMZ, Brandon Howard, a 31-year-old singer who goes by the name “B. Howard,” allegedly contacted the site’s staff and said that he’s taken a DNA test, using an old orthodontic device of MJ’s, and he wants to announce to the public that the deceased pop icon is his father and possibly sue his estate.
Thursday (March 6), however, the staff at FilmOn.TV scooped the story and broke the news via a live streamed press conference, declaring that they’ve seen the evidence and there’s a 99.9 percent chance that it’s true. There’s also the suspicious lyrics to MJ’s “Billie Jean,” they recalled.
Although MJ croons, “the kid is not my son,” apparently, he was in denial. Howard’s mother, Miki Howard, was a pop singer who toured with MJ and was represented by his father, Joe Jackson. Miki reportedly sometimes went by the the nickname “Billy.”
Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin y Wisin hacen un trío hot. Esta semana se estrenó el video del tema de Wisin con Jennifer Lopez y Ricky Martin “Adrenalina”. El video fue filmado en locaciones de Wynwood Arts Distric, hace algunas semanas, por el director de Hollywood Jessy Terrero.
Como era de esperarse con la fusión de estos tres personajes “sexys”, el resultado es un enérgico, sensual y emocionante video que resalta la química explosiva de los tres cantantes.
“Me siento honrado y sumamente agradecido de poder haber creado este junte entre Jennifer, Ricky y yo. Es algo muy significante que esta llegando a una audiencia mundial. La química entre nosotros es mágica y sé que la gente se va a contagiar con esa gran energía, esa Adrenalina, del tema”, dijo Wisin, según reseñó
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“Adrenalina”, es el tema oficial que usará Univision para la Copa Mundial.
La Condesa dice su “trasero” no tiene cirugías ni foto shop.
La condesa reveló que en su “trasero” no hay cirugías y mucho menos foto shop durante una intervención en el programa “Más Roberto”. En ese sentido, la presentadora de televisión aseguró que no le “gustan los viejos” en referencia a Soto Jiménez, ex Ministro de las Fuerzas Armadas.
La presentadora le indicó al pararse de la silla en donde se encontraba sentada a la “Diva” personaje que interpreta José Manuel Rodríguez que: “aquí no hay cirugías en ese trasero”, y le pidió que le tocara para que confirmara si era de verdad o de mentiras a lo que la “Diva” dijo que son de “verdad”.
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La comunicadora dijo en la discusión del segmento la “mujer y el hombre” de “Más Roberto” que el “hombre es más desconfiado que la mujer y más cuando la mujer esta buena como yo”
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Un Vino Que Le Salió Muy Caro A Omega
Todavía él sigue metido en la piel de su personaje “El fuerte”. Llegó a un hotel de Punta Cana a realizar una presentación. Y como amante del buen vino el merenguero Omega, no barajó en pedir el vino francés más caro existente en la cava de de ese hotel.
Reporta que, terminada su actuación, llegó la factura y solo se escuchó el grito de Omega decir “esa no la pago”. Pero como cada cosita tiene sus reglas, el merenguero dejó casi todo el pago de esa fiesta para saldar una sola botella de vino que consumió esa noche.
En ese misma linea una pregunta:
¿Sabes cuál es el vino más caro del mundo?
Es un hecho que, desde hace ya algunos años, la cultura del vino, y todo lo relacionado con ella, gana adeptos de forma imparable (libros, catas, vinoterapia, escapadas de enoturismo…). Un mundo fascinante con muchos siglos de historia y lleno de curiosidades como éstas que a continuación te contamos.
El consumo medio de vino en la Antigua Roma era, ni más ni menos, que de entre 1 y 5 litros de vino por persona y día.
If fact, it’s more effective than wine, grape best cialis prices juice, green tea, blueberries and cranberries. Situation creates tongue twisting problem and difficulty in cheap canadian viagra normal speaking. Thus, if you are suffering from any viagra pfizer cialis of our clients. It helps to increase the discover my pharmacy store cheap generic levitra blood circulation in the overall body, boosts up the energy levels too. Aunque el dato anterior resulta sorprendente, lo cierto es que el vino que se bebía en la antigüedad no era ni remotamente parecido al que bebemos ahora. Se trataba de una mezcla de vino-mosto (un vino que no terminaba de fermentar) y agua (y, en algunas ocasiones, también miel).
Francia es el país donde hoy en día más vino se consume por persona, con 50 litros al año, algo más de una botella a la semana. En España, la cifra se sitúa alrededor de los 25 litros anuales.
La primera constancia que se tiene de las primeras viñas plantadas por el hombre se encuentran en Asia Menor y Oriente Próximo, con fósiles datados en tres mil años antes de Cristo.
En la actualidad, y debido a la profesionalización de los procesos de elaboración del vino, muchas bodegas realizan vinos de alta calidad y baja producción, denominados ‘de autor’. Para la elaboración de estos vinos se seleccionan las mejores uvas de las cosechas y se someten a procesos delicados y artesanales para obtener vinos exquisitos y de alta calidad.No es cierto que un vino cuanto más viejo sea de mejor calidad. De hecho, cada vino tiene su ‘curva de vida’ y una vez pasado su momento culminante, comienza a decaer.
España cuenta con cerca de 70 denominaciones de origen.
Se utiliza aproximadamente un kilo de uvas para hacer una botella de 75 cl.
Para dar con el vino más caro del mundo (aún bebible nos referimos; existen botellas con siglos de edad que han alcanzado precios exorbitantes en diversas subastas sólo por su valor simbólico) deberemos viajar hasta las bodegas de Perrier Jouët en Francia donde se producen botellas de champán que pueden rondar los 6.300 dólares (unos 4.800 euros).
Las bodegas francesas de Perrier Jouët elaboran el champán considerado como ‘más caro del mundo’.
Dems to Obama: Slow the deportations!
President Obama is coming under increasing pressure to slow deportations of illegal immigrants, while Congress remains stymied on immigration reform legislation.
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